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Leadership culture refers to the collective beliefs, values, practices, and behaviors related to leadership within an organization. It encompasses how leadership is perceived, developed, and exercised by individuals at all levels. A strong leadership culture aligns with the organization's mission and goals.
At its best and most genuine, facilitation creates change - it helps the group to open up, to build trust, to untie knots, to evolve. Building trust in a group requires being accepted for your feelings and being able to articulate them.
The remote meetings and workshops are part of our everyday life. Yet, many continue struggling with how to get that sense of engagement and energy that you have at best in-room meetings.
Fasilitoinnin keskeinen elementti on, että fasilitaattori on neutraali osapuoli keskustelutilanteessa, joka ei ota kantaa suuntaan tai toiseen. Tämä on osa turvallisen ja tasapuolisen ilmapiirin rakentamista.
People don't quit jobs, they quit bad bosses. This saying may be a cliché, but it is truer than ever. When there is fierce competition for good talent, the leadership culture is a major differentiating factor. This is reflected in the employer's image and has a direct impact on the performance of its teams.
I remember a few years ago, in a Facebook group focusing on clear Finnish language and writing, the Finnish word for ”facilitate” (fasilitoida) was voted as the most disliked buzzword. I understand this very well. The term 'facilitation' is widely used in the organizational environment, but its meaning is probably still unclear and ambiguous. What does it mean when a conversation is facilitated?
Fasilitaattori ohjaa ryhmäprosessia tavoitteellisesti ja sisällön osalta mahdollisimman neutraalisti. Hän ei ratkaise asioita ryhmän puolesta. Fasilitointivoi olla monelle esihenkilölle hyvä työkalu tulokselliseen yhteistyöhön organisaatiossa.
Esihenkilöiden toiminnalla on suora vaikutus koko henkilöstöön, työhyvinvointiin, työssä onnistumiseen ja koko organisaation ilmapiiriin. Esihenkilö ansaitsee tuen ja työkaluja omaan tärkeään rooliinsa, jotta myös hänellä on eväät onnistua ja voida hyvin.
Facilitation means in summary the guidance of a group in a meeting or a workshop towards a goal. We all have experienced meetings where no one takes the role of guiding the discussion.
Psychological safety and emotional climate management have become a topic of conversation in many organizations. In this post, we’ve put together a few tips to help you promote a psychologically safe work environment today.
Kun tilanne on niin sanotusti päällä, meillä on taipumus etsiä nopea ja helposti toteutettava ratkaisu tilanteeseen. Kyse on selviytymisestä ja refleksinomaisesta toiminnasta. Tämä taito on auttanut meitä ihmisiä kehittymään ja pärjäämään.
I attended this session where I felt I was wasting my time. I thought I knew what the goal was, but maybe I had misunderstood. I felt disengaged and confused. I thought of many other better ways I could’ve used my time.
Plan. Do. Check. Act. Repeat. Easier said than done when it comes to complex processes and needs to drive a larger scale change, such as moving to agile development or becoming customer obsessed organization.
As organizations around world have suddenly had to move all their non-manufacturing work to home offices, a remote meeting is not anymore just an occasional forum for co-working...
Do you know the feeling when you are supposed to do your tasks and something you need is just not there? What are your first reactions, at home or at work?
I so miss meeting people with physical and social closeness, without screens, without concerns, without masks or obsession with hand sanitizers. Just enjoy the moment of being together. Do you feel the same?
People don’t leave jobs but bosses. This saying may sound a cliché, but at the same time it is more true than ever. When there is tough competition of skilled experts...